We appreciate that you might want to try out some of our activities before you committee to a course. Therefore, we offer short taster workshops where you can drop in and see how we work.
We run taster workshops every other Friday in Huddersfield, however, if you would like us to bring our workshops out to you, we would be more than happy to do this.
17th & 24th May
14th & 28th June
12th & 26th July
Venue: Proper Job - Floor 3, Byram Arcade, Westgate, Huddersfield HD1 1ND
If you would like to find out more about our tasters, contact Mollie or Polly:
mollie@properjob.org.uk / 07716 639 494
polly@properjob.org.uk / 07519 560 180
We also have regular tasters every Friday morning from our Manchester base
Venue: Proper Job - Brunswick Parish Church, Brunswick Street,
Manchester M13 9SX
If you would like to find out more about our tasters, contact Stephen:
stephen@properjob.org.uk / 07754 854 528